About Boothet:


I would like to announce that we have a second moderator. His name is Cowboy* He has been a user over the years. He is great.

Cheers Bootmen



I would like to announce that we have a moderator. His name is mtbootdcb. He has been a user here for a while. He is great.

Cheers Bootmen.



Hello Boot men, I just want to take a minute to tell you that for the last 10 years have successful and yes there have been ups and downs with different hosting and chat providers. And while still keeping's been a great privilege to serve people. I have ment many people with in the 10 years so come and go some are regulars. That share good times and good conversations. So with all this it is my privilege to update the site on the original date that, I took over. 10 great years and many more. One last thing the site is 10 year anniversary. Thank you so much. Updated/Built on original date: 4/18/2020.

Cheers Bootmen.



Hello Boot men, I want to take time to tell you a little about this site and about my self. I got the nitch for managing/creating websites a few years ago little did I know that id be creating sites. Course my first one was a food site then was a interest site then come pedal mania. Now I am doing this site how ever the original site of cowboy chat which was the original one. A many people liked it and wanted it to remain open. So I thought about it and figured, I could maybe do it. Therefore, I just did it and here it is. I really hope you boot men love it as much as you did as for the original site. I will do my very very best to keep this site similar to the original one. P.S I have been doing this for the last 5 years also. Lastly, I have added a photo album that is available to view as well as for boot men to add pictures please let me know if you would like your photos added thank you. I wanna note that if you have questions or comments please use the contact form. Thank you. Re opened/Built on 4/18/2011.

Cheers Bootmen.
